Friday, May 27, 2011

Blizzard and Gold Farming Prisoner Abuse

Chinese prisoners are allegedly being forced to work long hours earning money for prison administrators in China by illegally playing Blizzard's World of Warcraft MMO. I am distressed to hear about the many recent negative stories with regards to alleged prisoner abuse. I would like to hear Blizzards side of the story.

Q1: There have been several reports in the press and elsewhere that Chinese prisoners have been forced to play games to earn money despite Blizzard's official policy against gold farming. What steps is Blizzard taking to prevent prisoner abuse?

Q2: The current Warcraft(tm) gold farming policy has been in place for some time. Given the apparently large scale size of the underground economy and ongoing abuses is Blizzard going to be taking additional steps to prevent criminal activity using Blizzard systems?

Q3: Can Blizzard comment on the pending litigation the company may be facing as a result of the reported criminal activities?

Q4: Is Blizzard working currently with US or Chinese law enforcement investigation of the alleged illegal activities?

Q5: Do you have any other statement for the public regarding these alleged incidents?

The world wonders...
-Let's Declare Shenanigans

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