Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wikileaks Heroes Pfc. Bradley Manning and Julian Assange

Obviously the government was keeping things secret for far too long that did not need to be secret. If it's over 10 years old and it doesn't reveal details of military weapons/plans or the identity of a US agent it should not be secret. Period.

Is this a democracy or not? Does the public have a right to know what the hell it's government is up to or not? Can the public be trusted to govern or not? YE,S YES, YES.

There's no half way here. Pfc. Bradley Manning and Julian Assange are heroes. Nothing less.

If the government doesn't want secrets released it shouldn't create them.


  1. Tonya Greenlee wrote, in response to ggb667:

    Do you honestly believe The United States is the only government with secrets? lol, where have you been hiding your head?

    Without people willing to search out information on their respective peers and KNOW they are truly saying and doing what they claim, every government would be in trouble. Why? because of the nature of man. It's the big dog that gets the bone. Sorry, just the way the world works and always.. ALWAYS has.

    Link to comment: http://disq.us/tf2xb

  2. Do you honestly believe The United States is the only government with secrets? lol, where have you been hiding your head?

    Without people willing to search out information on their respective peers and KNOW they are truly saying and doing what they claim, every government would be in trouble. Why? because of the nature of man. It's the big dog that gets the bone. Sorry, just the way the world works and always.. ALWAYS has.

    Link to comment: http://disq.us/tf2xb

  3. Yes, but we are a democracy, not Egypt. The policies and actions of our government must be available for our inspection and discussion if we are to govern ourselves effectively.

    A policy of "secret cause I said so" is corrosive to that democracy.



Please stay on topic and act maturely.