Monday, November 30, 2009


The problem with our republic (and any republic) is that politics has become a profession. A political career should be strictly single term in each office, followed by non-political work. None of this leaving office to pursue lobbying. Perhaps only passing a law preventing ex-office holders from communicating with elected officials will work. Obviously stating you had to declare that you were a lobbyist to have the laws applied to your work has not worked. Self regulation is not working, and our republic is suffering for it.

There is something YOU CAN DO to fix this!


Declare Shenanigans!

Get your broom, and sweep the bums out!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Climate Clowns

The debate on global warming has finally reached a new level. Those who doubt humans are the cause of a warming environment, or who doubt that warming is occurring at all have been granted new life by the release of the emails from the UK recently. These scientists long derided as global warming deniers (as if denying global warming was somehow morally equivalent to being holocaust deniers) finally have a chance to have their voices heard.

The challenge now is to inflame the debate and achieve a consensus that will allow the science to be reviewed by a dispassionate group of non-government scientists who do not have a dog in this race. I propose that hard scientists in other fields like thermodynamics, physics, mechanical engineering and electronic engineering be given access to ALL of the raw data and all of the models. Let them read and examine the data and the first principles that supposedly underlie this scientific debate and once they have had time to examine it, announce their findings.

To achieve this it is necessary that we discredit the buffoons who have engaged in the partisan and political charade that has been going on. These charlatans who have been claiming that what they have been doing is science need to have their clocks cleaned and be thrown out on their asses like the snake oil salesmen they have been proved to be.

Do you want to be part of the solution? Here's what to do. Call them names. Call them "Climate Clowns". That's what they are, and from now on whenever you hear something about AGW or Climate Change or the Green House effect, just roll your eyes and say you don't care what those Climate Clowns say, you don't believe them. Demand to see the raw data, the methodology that was used to gather that data, and demand to see cross referenced assertions reviewed by non-climatologists outside of government before accepting any claim by the Climate Clowns.

Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go away
George Monboit missing the point - the peer review process IS rigged, and the behaviour in the UK is probably typical not atypical: Global warming rigged? Here's the email I'd need to see
WSJ: The Web Discloses Inconvenient Climate Truths

Monday, November 23, 2009

Family Insanity and Personal Responsibility

My mother in law is schizophrenic. I am afraid if my family didn't let her live with us she would be un-medicated and eventually neglected or maybe even murdered in a adult living facility because of her obnoxious behaviour (when she is medicated she is hard to take, off her medications it's unbelievable).

I think we know how to handle her, but I worry I might be held responsible if when she is out on one of her walks she somehow causes a car accident or something similar. A woman hit her in a cross walk a few years ago, so I'm not unnecessarily worried. I don't want to loose my house and business because of my insane relative, but I don't want her neglected in a mental hospital or a escaping to live under a bridge somewhere. Her whole live revolves around taking long walks and smoking. What should a responsible person do in such a case?